Belmond Andean Explorer

Belmond Andean Explorer, scheduled to launch in May 2017, will be South America's first luxury sleeper train. It will operate four different journeys, including a two-night, three-day journey between Cusco, Puno, at Lake Titicaca and Arequipa. From Cusco it will climb to 4800 metres on the Altiplano, before arriving at Lake Titicaca to pause for excursions to floating islands. It will then continue to Arequipa, a city with a UNESCO World Heritage Site centre, stopping en route at Sumbay Caves. It is possible to add on a visit to the Colca Canyon, known for its condors.

Belmond Andean Explorer

Belmond Andean Explorer, scheduled to launch in May 2017, will be South America's first luxury sleeper train. It will operate four different journeys, including a two-night, three-day journey between Cusco, Puno, at Lake Titicaca and Arequipa. From Cusco it will climb to 4800 metres on the Altiplano, before arriving at Lake Titicaca to pause for excursions to floating islands. It will then continue to Arequipa, a city with a UNESCO World Heritage Site centre, stopping en route at Sumbay Caves. It is possible to add on a visit to the Colca Canyon, known for its condors.