Bergens Tidende

Bergens Tidende is Norway's fifth-largest newspaper, and the country's largest newspaper outside Oslo. Circulation numbers peaked at 100,000 copies in 1988, and later dropped to 70,220 copies by 2015. Bergens Tidende is owned by the public company Schibsted ASA. At least 30% of Schibsted is owned by English and American investment banks such as Goldman Sachs and Northern Trust.

Bergens Tidende

Bergens Tidende is Norway's fifth-largest newspaper, and the country's largest newspaper outside Oslo. Circulation numbers peaked at 100,000 copies in 1988, and later dropped to 70,220 copies by 2015. Bergens Tidende is owned by the public company Schibsted ASA. At least 30% of Schibsted is owned by English and American investment banks such as Goldman Sachs and Northern Trust.