Bermudez Biscuit Company

The Bermudez Biscuit Company Ltd. is a Trinidadian company located in Mount Lambert Trinidad and Tobago. Founded by Venezuelan brothers Jose Rafael and Jose Angel Bermudez, who migrated from to the nearby Port of Spain. Jose Rafael fascinated by technology travelled to Paris for the 1900 World Fair, where he stumbled upon an innovative wood burning biscuit oven. He returned to Trinidad with the contraption and set about with his brother to produce "salt biscuits". The products are the famous round white, wholewheat, multigrain Crix including the Crix biscuit-tins and Dixie crackers, Domino chocolate, vanilla, strawberry sweet biscuits and others. Crix crackers (biscuits in local parlance) are fondly called the "vital supplies" after a successful marketing campaign. The company has been in

Bermudez Biscuit Company

The Bermudez Biscuit Company Ltd. is a Trinidadian company located in Mount Lambert Trinidad and Tobago. Founded by Venezuelan brothers Jose Rafael and Jose Angel Bermudez, who migrated from to the nearby Port of Spain. Jose Rafael fascinated by technology travelled to Paris for the 1900 World Fair, where he stumbled upon an innovative wood burning biscuit oven. He returned to Trinidad with the contraption and set about with his brother to produce "salt biscuits". The products are the famous round white, wholewheat, multigrain Crix including the Crix biscuit-tins and Dixie crackers, Domino chocolate, vanilla, strawberry sweet biscuits and others. Crix crackers (biscuits in local parlance) are fondly called the "vital supplies" after a successful marketing campaign. The company has been in