
β-Bungarotoxin is a form of bungarotoxin that is fairly common in Krait (Bungaros multicinctus) venoms. The target of this neurotoxin is at the presynaptic terminal, where it blocks release of acetylcholine. There are two isoforms, β1-bungarotoxin and β2-bungarotoxin. It has phospholipase A2 activity. It consists of two chains.


β-Bungarotoxin is a form of bungarotoxin that is fairly common in Krait (Bungaros multicinctus) venoms. The target of this neurotoxin is at the presynaptic terminal, where it blocks release of acetylcholine. There are two isoforms, β1-bungarotoxin and β2-bungarotoxin. It has phospholipase A2 activity. It consists of two chains.