Beyblade (toy)

Beyblade is a brand name for a line of spinning top toys originally developed and manufactured by Takara Tomy, first released in 2000. The toys usually include a 'launcher' – a device for bringing the spinning top up to speed, with either a separate or integral rip-cord. This 'ripping' action causes the tops to be ejected, at the end of the movement. Players eject the tops into a plastic arena or into a pan with a slightly dished base, where they subsequently strike each other. The last top still spinning wins. Skill can be used in the deployment of the tops, which significantly influences the way they move around the arena, and subsequently interact. The different styles of device respond to collisions in different ways, so advantage might be gained from using a particular type of top aga

Beyblade (toy)

Beyblade is a brand name for a line of spinning top toys originally developed and manufactured by Takara Tomy, first released in 2000. The toys usually include a 'launcher' – a device for bringing the spinning top up to speed, with either a separate or integral rip-cord. This 'ripping' action causes the tops to be ejected, at the end of the movement. Players eject the tops into a plastic arena or into a pan with a slightly dished base, where they subsequently strike each other. The last top still spinning wins. Skill can be used in the deployment of the tops, which significantly influences the way they move around the arena, and subsequently interact. The different styles of device respond to collisions in different ways, so advantage might be gained from using a particular type of top aga