Big Giant Circles

Big Giant Circles (also known as BGC) is the chiptune/electronic moniker of Jimmy Hinson. Originally adopting the name as a hobbyist submitting video game music remixes/rearrangements to OverClocked ReMix, Hinson is now an active composer in the video games industry. He has contributed to the soundtracks of Borderlands 2, Threes!, There Came an Echo, Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix, Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 and Mass Effect 2 (the latter two under lead composer Jack Wall). Mass Effect 2 was nominated for a BAFTA Game award for Best Original Music.

Big Giant Circles

Big Giant Circles (also known as BGC) is the chiptune/electronic moniker of Jimmy Hinson. Originally adopting the name as a hobbyist submitting video game music remixes/rearrangements to OverClocked ReMix, Hinson is now an active composer in the video games industry. He has contributed to the soundtracks of Borderlands 2, Threes!, There Came an Echo, Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix, Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 and Mass Effect 2 (the latter two under lead composer Jack Wall). Mass Effect 2 was nominated for a BAFTA Game award for Best Original Music.