Billy Gebbie Arena

The Billy Gebbie Arena, occupies a portion of the Glengarry Sports Palace (which also includes a branch of the SD&G County Library, a community hall, two baseball diamonds, and a soccer field), has been the home of the Alexandria Glens since 1976. The arena is also home for the Alexandria & District Minor Hockey Association, Glengarry Girls Hockey Association, and the Alexandria Ladies Ball Hockey League. It is located in Alexandria, Ontario, and has a capacity of 500+ for hockey games.

Billy Gebbie Arena

The Billy Gebbie Arena, occupies a portion of the Glengarry Sports Palace (which also includes a branch of the SD&G County Library, a community hall, two baseball diamonds, and a soccer field), has been the home of the Alexandria Glens since 1976. The arena is also home for the Alexandria & District Minor Hockey Association, Glengarry Girls Hockey Association, and the Alexandria Ladies Ball Hockey League. It is located in Alexandria, Ontario, and has a capacity of 500+ for hockey games.