Black Warrior Affair

The Black Warrior affair was an 1854 incident touching trade and sovereignty between Spain and her American possessions and the United States. Black Warrior, a vessel in the American coastwise trade, touched at Havana, Cuba on February 28, 1854, on her eighteenth voyage to New York City. In technical conformity with law, but contrary to informal agreements, a cargo manifest was demanded by Cuban authorities. Failing this, the ship and cargo was seized and held. The ship and cargo was restored to her owners on payment of a $6,000 fine, which was eventually remitted.

Black Warrior Affair

The Black Warrior affair was an 1854 incident touching trade and sovereignty between Spain and her American possessions and the United States. Black Warrior, a vessel in the American coastwise trade, touched at Havana, Cuba on February 28, 1854, on her eighteenth voyage to New York City. In technical conformity with law, but contrary to informal agreements, a cargo manifest was demanded by Cuban authorities. Failing this, the ship and cargo was seized and held. The ship and cargo was restored to her owners on payment of a $6,000 fine, which was eventually remitted.