Blue Dolphin Energy Company

Blue Dolphin Energy Company is a public corporation founded in 1986 with interests in oil and natural gas. The company's operations are based around the Gulf of Mexico, mainly in Texas and Louisiana, and are focused on pipelines and exploration. Blue Dolphin currently has assets in three pipelines. The Blue Dolphin Pipeline System and GA 350 pipeline transport 18 and 22 million cubic feet per day respectively, while the third pipeline is currently inactive.

Blue Dolphin Energy Company

Blue Dolphin Energy Company is a public corporation founded in 1986 with interests in oil and natural gas. The company's operations are based around the Gulf of Mexico, mainly in Texas and Louisiana, and are focused on pipelines and exploration. Blue Dolphin currently has assets in three pipelines. The Blue Dolphin Pipeline System and GA 350 pipeline transport 18 and 22 million cubic feet per day respectively, while the third pipeline is currently inactive.