Bosnian mujahideen

Bosnian mujahideen (Bosnian: Bosanski mudžahidi), also called El Mudžahid, were foreign Muslim volunteers who fought on the Bosniak side during the 1992–95 Bosnian War. They arrived in Bosnia and Herzegovina with the aim of fighting for Islam and on behalf of Muslims. Some originally went as humanitarian workers, while some of them were considered criminals in their home countries for illegally travelling to Bosnia and becoming soldiers. The number of volunteers throughout the war is still disputed, with estimates varying from initially around 300 to 6,000 fighters by 1995.

Bosnian mujahideen

Bosnian mujahideen (Bosnian: Bosanski mudžahidi), also called El Mudžahid, were foreign Muslim volunteers who fought on the Bosniak side during the 1992–95 Bosnian War. They arrived in Bosnia and Herzegovina with the aim of fighting for Islam and on behalf of Muslims. Some originally went as humanitarian workers, while some of them were considered criminals in their home countries for illegally travelling to Bosnia and becoming soldiers. The number of volunteers throughout the war is still disputed, with estimates varying from initially around 300 to 6,000 fighters by 1995.