Bostwick family

The Bostwicks are descendants of Robert De Brostick, born in 1522 in England. A branch of the New York Bostwick family rose to prominence when Jabez Abel Bostwick made a fortune in business and was a founding partner and first Treasurer of the Standard Oil Company. Albert Carlton Bostwick married Mary Lillian Stokes and had five children: Cornell University is home to the Albert C. Bostwick Laboratory of Molecular Biology: Canine and Feline Parvoviruses at the Baker Institute, College of Veterinary Medicine.

Bostwick family

The Bostwicks are descendants of Robert De Brostick, born in 1522 in England. A branch of the New York Bostwick family rose to prominence when Jabez Abel Bostwick made a fortune in business and was a founding partner and first Treasurer of the Standard Oil Company. Albert Carlton Bostwick married Mary Lillian Stokes and had five children: Cornell University is home to the Albert C. Bostwick Laboratory of Molecular Biology: Canine and Feline Parvoviruses at the Baker Institute, College of Veterinary Medicine.