
Brainclaw is an industrial/electronic music project initially created at Ithaca College, NY in 1989 by David Giuffre. The band centers on Giuffre, but features many guest artists on its releases. Notable songs are "Insekt/Angel" and "When The Dark Rains Come" which were used on the DVD releases of The Matrix Revolutions, The Matrix Box Set and the Spider-Man Collector's Edition. Brainclaw was signed to BLC Productions in Little Rock, AR.


Brainclaw is an industrial/electronic music project initially created at Ithaca College, NY in 1989 by David Giuffre. The band centers on Giuffre, but features many guest artists on its releases. Notable songs are "Insekt/Angel" and "When The Dark Rains Come" which were used on the DVD releases of The Matrix Revolutions, The Matrix Box Set and the Spider-Man Collector's Edition. Brainclaw was signed to BLC Productions in Little Rock, AR.