Bring Jobs Home Act

The Bring Jobs Home Act (S. 2569) is a bill that would amend the Internal Revenue Code to grant business taxpayers a tax credit for up to 20% of insourcing expenses incurred for eliminating a business located outside the United States and relocating it within the United States, and deny a tax deduction for outsourcing expenses incurred in relocating a U.S. business outside the United States. The bill was introduced into the United States Senate during the 113th United States Congress.

Bring Jobs Home Act

The Bring Jobs Home Act (S. 2569) is a bill that would amend the Internal Revenue Code to grant business taxpayers a tax credit for up to 20% of insourcing expenses incurred for eliminating a business located outside the United States and relocating it within the United States, and deny a tax deduction for outsourcing expenses incurred in relocating a U.S. business outside the United States. The bill was introduced into the United States Senate during the 113th United States Congress.