British Future

British Future is a UK-based thinktank studying integration, identity, migration and opportunity. It claims to be non-partisan. Its publications include "This Sceptred Isle", "Team GB: How 2012 Should Boost Britain" and "Generation 2012: Optimism Despite Obstacles". It ran a campaign for shops to close, and sporting events not to be played on Remembrance Sunday 2014, ninety-six years after the ending of World War I.

British Future

British Future is a UK-based thinktank studying integration, identity, migration and opportunity. It claims to be non-partisan. Its publications include "This Sceptred Isle", "Team GB: How 2012 Should Boost Britain" and "Generation 2012: Optimism Despite Obstacles". It ran a campaign for shops to close, and sporting events not to be played on Remembrance Sunday 2014, ninety-six years after the ending of World War I.