Brook Street Bureau

Brook Street Bureau plc is a UK recruitment specialist for office support, light industrial and mid-level professional occupations. The company is one of the UK’s leading employment agencies. Founded in Mayfair in 1946 by Margery Hurst (who later got an OBE), the company also manages "B.S. Social Care", BS Homecare and BS Professional which recruits mid-high level professionals. Brook Street is a member of the Recruitment and Employment Confederation, a lobby group for the interests of British employment agencies.

Brook Street Bureau

Brook Street Bureau plc is a UK recruitment specialist for office support, light industrial and mid-level professional occupations. The company is one of the UK’s leading employment agencies. Founded in Mayfair in 1946 by Margery Hurst (who later got an OBE), the company also manages "B.S. Social Care", BS Homecare and BS Professional which recruits mid-high level professionals. Brook Street is a member of the Recruitment and Employment Confederation, a lobby group for the interests of British employment agencies.