Buenos Aires Stock Exchange

The Buenos Aires Stock Exchange (BCBA; Spanish: Bolsa de Comercio de Buenos Aires) is the organization responsible for the operation of Argentina's primary stock exchange located at Buenos Aires CBD. Founded in 1854, is the successor of the Banco Mercantil, created in 1822 by Bernardino Rivadavia. Citing BCBA's self-definition: "It is a self-regulated non-profit civil association. At its Council sit representatives of all different sectors of Argentina's economy."

Buenos Aires Stock Exchange

The Buenos Aires Stock Exchange (BCBA; Spanish: Bolsa de Comercio de Buenos Aires) is the organization responsible for the operation of Argentina's primary stock exchange located at Buenos Aires CBD. Founded in 1854, is the successor of the Banco Mercantil, created in 1822 by Bernardino Rivadavia. Citing BCBA's self-definition: "It is a self-regulated non-profit civil association. At its Council sit representatives of all different sectors of Argentina's economy."