Burmese gray wild dog

Gray Dhole, also known as Myanmar gray wild dog is an unrecognized canid species from Myanmar, reported especially from the Pidaung Game Sanctuary near the Irrawaddy River in Myitkyina Forest Division, and Thayagon in the Bago Division. It is described as having a short dark gray coat, a black muzzle and short, round ears. The Burmans say there are two kinds of wild dog in Myanmar, the large and small.

Burmese gray wild dog

Gray Dhole, also known as Myanmar gray wild dog is an unrecognized canid species from Myanmar, reported especially from the Pidaung Game Sanctuary near the Irrawaddy River in Myitkyina Forest Division, and Thayagon in the Bago Division. It is described as having a short dark gray coat, a black muzzle and short, round ears. The Burmans say there are two kinds of wild dog in Myanmar, the large and small.