CB90-class fast assault craft

Stridsbåt 90 H(alv) (Strb 90 H, literally: Combat Boat 90 Half; the 90 refers to the year of acceptance and Half refers to the fact that it can carry and deploy a half platoon of amphibious infantry (18 men) fully equipped) is a class of fast military assault craft originally developed for the Swedish Navy by Dockstavarvet. In addition to the many variants in service with the Swedish Navy under the "Stridsbåt 90H" designation, the CB 90 has been adopted by the navies of several countries, including Norway (as the S90N), Greece, Mexico (as the CB 90 HMN), the United States (as the Riverine Command Boat) and Malaysia. Also the German Navy plans to equip the Berlin-class replenishment ships with the CB90.

CB90-class fast assault craft

Stridsbåt 90 H(alv) (Strb 90 H, literally: Combat Boat 90 Half; the 90 refers to the year of acceptance and Half refers to the fact that it can carry and deploy a half platoon of amphibious infantry (18 men) fully equipped) is a class of fast military assault craft originally developed for the Swedish Navy by Dockstavarvet. In addition to the many variants in service with the Swedish Navy under the "Stridsbåt 90H" designation, the CB 90 has been adopted by the navies of several countries, including Norway (as the S90N), Greece, Mexico (as the CB 90 HMN), the United States (as the Riverine Command Boat) and Malaysia. Also the German Navy plans to equip the Berlin-class replenishment ships with the CB90.