Caïman Fu

Caïman Fu are a Québécois pop rock band founded in 2000 by Nicolas Grimard and Yves Manseau. They released their self-titled debut album in 2003, which was subsequently followed by Les Charmes du Quotidien ("the charms of the everyday") in fall 2005 and Drôle d'animal in 2008. In 2005 they were spokespersons for the first Salon of independent music of Quebec. They played at Francofolies in 2002 and 2003.

Caïman Fu

Caïman Fu are a Québécois pop rock band founded in 2000 by Nicolas Grimard and Yves Manseau. They released their self-titled debut album in 2003, which was subsequently followed by Les Charmes du Quotidien ("the charms of the everyday") in fall 2005 and Drôle d'animal in 2008. In 2005 they were spokespersons for the first Salon of independent music of Quebec. They played at Francofolies in 2002 and 2003.