Caffeine-induced anxiety disorder

Caffeine-induced anxiety disorder is an anxiety disorder that can be present in people susceptible to panic attacks and anxiety. Consumption of caffeine has long been linked to anxiety. Caffeine-induced anxiety disorder, however, almost exclusively occurs in people who already have an anxiety disorder. For these people, they are more prone to the psychological effects of caffeine and are at greater risk of a panic attack after ingesting non-trivial amounts of caffeine.

Caffeine-induced anxiety disorder

Caffeine-induced anxiety disorder is an anxiety disorder that can be present in people susceptible to panic attacks and anxiety. Consumption of caffeine has long been linked to anxiety. Caffeine-induced anxiety disorder, however, almost exclusively occurs in people who already have an anxiety disorder. For these people, they are more prone to the psychological effects of caffeine and are at greater risk of a panic attack after ingesting non-trivial amounts of caffeine.