California Scholarship Federation

The California Scholarship Federation (CSF), started in 1921 by Charles F. Seymour, seeks to recognize students living in the state of California who possess high standards in academics. Members of the California Scholarship Federation are eligible for a variety of tuition scholarships available at universities across the state and in select colleges nationwide. Regional subcommittees nominate several members as Life Members based upon character, leadership abilities and volunteer service. Fifty of these students receive $2,000 each, and five (one from each region of California) are awarded an additional $3000 toward their college tuition.

California Scholarship Federation

The California Scholarship Federation (CSF), started in 1921 by Charles F. Seymour, seeks to recognize students living in the state of California who possess high standards in academics. Members of the California Scholarship Federation are eligible for a variety of tuition scholarships available at universities across the state and in select colleges nationwide. Regional subcommittees nominate several members as Life Members based upon character, leadership abilities and volunteer service. Fifty of these students receive $2,000 each, and five (one from each region of California) are awarded an additional $3000 toward their college tuition.