Calocybe gambosa

Calocybe gambosa, commonly known as St. George's mushroom, is an edible mushroom that grows mainly in fields, grass verges and roadsides. Deriving its common name from when it first appears in the UK, namely on St George's Day (23 April). It appears in March in Italy, a warmer country where it is also a popular mushroom to eat, and is known there as marzolino. It is also popular in Northern Spain and Southern France, in the Basque Country region and its surroundings where it is called perretxiko and appears in April. In these regions it is usually eaten sautéed with egg or with bacon.

Calocybe gambosa

Calocybe gambosa, commonly known as St. George's mushroom, is an edible mushroom that grows mainly in fields, grass verges and roadsides. Deriving its common name from when it first appears in the UK, namely on St George's Day (23 April). It appears in March in Italy, a warmer country where it is also a popular mushroom to eat, and is known there as marzolino. It is also popular in Northern Spain and Southern France, in the Basque Country region and its surroundings where it is called perretxiko and appears in April. In these regions it is usually eaten sautéed with egg or with bacon.