Career Colleges Ontario

Career Colleges Ontario (CCO), formerly the Ontario Association of Career Colleges, is a non-profit organization with more than 260 members. CCO's members are private career colleges - post-secondary schools that provide career-specific, outcome based programs. Graduates of private career colleges earn a diploma or a certificate. Private career colleges offer a wide range of programs, in fields like business, health services, human services, applied arts, information technology, electronics, services and the trades. Private career colleges often work with small groups of people and offer flexible learning schedules, enrollment at many different times during the year and compressed programs that deliver training over a shorter period of time.

Career Colleges Ontario

Career Colleges Ontario (CCO), formerly the Ontario Association of Career Colleges, is a non-profit organization with more than 260 members. CCO's members are private career colleges - post-secondary schools that provide career-specific, outcome based programs. Graduates of private career colleges earn a diploma or a certificate. Private career colleges offer a wide range of programs, in fields like business, health services, human services, applied arts, information technology, electronics, services and the trades. Private career colleges often work with small groups of people and offer flexible learning schedules, enrollment at many different times during the year and compressed programs that deliver training over a shorter period of time.