Career Girls

Career Girls is a 1997 British dramatic comedy film written and directed by Mike Leigh which tells the story of two women, who reunite after six years apart. The film stars Katrin Cartlidge and Lynda Steadman. The women were originally thrown together when they shared a flat while at university and the film focuses on their interpersonal relationship. The film is not related to Louise Bagshawe's 1995 novel of the same name.

Career Girls

Career Girls is a 1997 British dramatic comedy film written and directed by Mike Leigh which tells the story of two women, who reunite after six years apart. The film stars Katrin Cartlidge and Lynda Steadman. The women were originally thrown together when they shared a flat while at university and the film focuses on their interpersonal relationship. The film is not related to Louise Bagshawe's 1995 novel of the same name.