
Carl² (Carl Squared) is a Canadian animated series which explores what would happen if a teenager had a clone. The concept of the cartoon is a mixture of biological studies and normal teenage life. Carl Crashman is a lazy 14-year-old who is only good at one thing: slacking. After a rough day and being tired of constantly doing things he hated, he was blogging on the Internet and complaining about his life when he accidentally ordered a clone from a spam e-mail using his fingerprint, a yearbook photo and a scabby band-aid; Carl is shocked when an online cloning company sends him an exact clone of himself in a box. Carl names him C2. Even though C2 looks like Carl, talks like him (albeit with a higher-pitched voice), and walks like him, C2 is more ambitious, hard-working, and charming, much


Carl² (Carl Squared) is a Canadian animated series which explores what would happen if a teenager had a clone. The concept of the cartoon is a mixture of biological studies and normal teenage life. Carl Crashman is a lazy 14-year-old who is only good at one thing: slacking. After a rough day and being tired of constantly doing things he hated, he was blogging on the Internet and complaining about his life when he accidentally ordered a clone from a spam e-mail using his fingerprint, a yearbook photo and a scabby band-aid; Carl is shocked when an online cloning company sends him an exact clone of himself in a box. Carl names him C2. Even though C2 looks like Carl, talks like him (albeit with a higher-pitched voice), and walks like him, C2 is more ambitious, hard-working, and charming, much