Carrier's Case

Carrier's Case (1473) 13 Edw. IV, f. 9, pl. 5 (Star Chamber and Exchequer Chamber) was a landmark English court case in property crime law decided in the Star Chamber (also called Anonymous v. The Sheriff of London). The English court adopted the "breaking bulk" doctrine. If someone transporting merchandise on behalf of someone else (being a bailee) and keeps the property by breaking it open and misappropriating the contents, it constitutes a crime of larceny.

Carrier's Case

Carrier's Case (1473) 13 Edw. IV, f. 9, pl. 5 (Star Chamber and Exchequer Chamber) was a landmark English court case in property crime law decided in the Star Chamber (also called Anonymous v. The Sheriff of London). The English court adopted the "breaking bulk" doctrine. If someone transporting merchandise on behalf of someone else (being a bailee) and keeps the property by breaking it open and misappropriating the contents, it constitutes a crime of larceny.