Carter Sans

Carter Sans is a typeface by Matthew Carter, in collaboration with Dan Reynolds. In style, it is described as a "hybrid sans-serif" or "humanist stressed sans" ("flare serif", "glyphic serif"), as it does not have serifs, but letters do flare slightly near the ends of strokes, which is particularly notable in the capitals. This is a relatively rarer style, and Carter states that he was particularly influenced by Albertus (1932–40) by Berthold Wolpe, also of Monotype.

Carter Sans

Carter Sans is a typeface by Matthew Carter, in collaboration with Dan Reynolds. In style, it is described as a "hybrid sans-serif" or "humanist stressed sans" ("flare serif", "glyphic serif"), as it does not have serifs, but letters do flare slightly near the ends of strokes, which is particularly notable in the capitals. This is a relatively rarer style, and Carter states that he was particularly influenced by Albertus (1932–40) by Berthold Wolpe, also of Monotype.