Carus Greek Testament Prizes

The Carus Greek Testament Prizes are two annual prizes (one for undergraduates, one for graduate students) awarded at Cambridge University in England. Candidates are given a passage in Greek from the New Testament and asked to both translate and interpret it; a board of examiners then judges the papers. A student can only win each prize once. The prize is still announced annually, but has not been awarded in recent years due to a lack of candidates.

Carus Greek Testament Prizes

The Carus Greek Testament Prizes are two annual prizes (one for undergraduates, one for graduate students) awarded at Cambridge University in England. Candidates are given a passage in Greek from the New Testament and asked to both translate and interpret it; a board of examiners then judges the papers. A student can only win each prize once. The prize is still announced annually, but has not been awarded in recent years due to a lack of candidates.