Children of the Dark

Children of the Dark (闇の子供たち Yami no Kodomotachi), also known as Children of Darkness, is a 2008 Japanese crime film written and directed by Junji Sakamoto based upon the book by the same name by Yang Sok-il. The film premiered on August 2, 2008 in Japan and stars Yosuke Eguchi, Aoi Miyazaki and Satoshi Tsumabuki. Due to its content, Bangkok International Film Festival pulled Children of the Dark from its 2008 film lineup, stating that it was “not appropriate for Thai society.”

Children of the Dark

Children of the Dark (闇の子供たち Yami no Kodomotachi), also known as Children of Darkness, is a 2008 Japanese crime film written and directed by Junji Sakamoto based upon the book by the same name by Yang Sok-il. The film premiered on August 2, 2008 in Japan and stars Yosuke Eguchi, Aoi Miyazaki and Satoshi Tsumabuki. Due to its content, Bangkok International Film Festival pulled Children of the Dark from its 2008 film lineup, stating that it was “not appropriate for Thai society.”