Chinampas (album)

Chinampas is a solo album by Cecil Taylor recorded in London on November 16 & 17, 1987 and released on the Leo label. The Allmusic review by Thom Jurek states "Chinampas is a true oddity in avant jazz pianist/poet/dancer Cecil Taylor's voluminous catalog. This is a spoken word record of Taylor reciting his poetry while accompanying himself on timpani, bells, and small percussion. To address what these poems are about is a meaningless endeavor. It would be the same as trying to explain what his piano playing is about. It's all language; it's all music. In fact, these poems, studio recorded beautifully in the fall of 1987, tell the story of Taylor's approach to making music, creating solid matter from thin air, and then — like the true shaman that he is — transforming it into sand and blowin

Chinampas (album)

Chinampas is a solo album by Cecil Taylor recorded in London on November 16 & 17, 1987 and released on the Leo label. The Allmusic review by Thom Jurek states "Chinampas is a true oddity in avant jazz pianist/poet/dancer Cecil Taylor's voluminous catalog. This is a spoken word record of Taylor reciting his poetry while accompanying himself on timpani, bells, and small percussion. To address what these poems are about is a meaningless endeavor. It would be the same as trying to explain what his piano playing is about. It's all language; it's all music. In fact, these poems, studio recorded beautifully in the fall of 1987, tell the story of Taylor's approach to making music, creating solid matter from thin air, and then — like the true shaman that he is — transforming it into sand and blowin