Chinese yo-yo

The chinese yoyo (adapted in Western countries as the diabolo) is a toy from China consisting of two equally sized discs connected with a long axle. An alternating lifting and dropping motion using two sticks, each held in one hand, keeps the yo-yo spinning on a string tied between the sticks. In modern times, it is used as a children's toy and as a performance tool in circus events like juggling and sometimes in Chinese dance. It is possible to perform a large variety of tricks with the diabolo which can be as easy as throwing the yo-yo up into the air or tossing it around the user's back. It was found during the Ming dynasty; roughly 1386–1644.

Chinese yo-yo

The chinese yoyo (adapted in Western countries as the diabolo) is a toy from China consisting of two equally sized discs connected with a long axle. An alternating lifting and dropping motion using two sticks, each held in one hand, keeps the yo-yo spinning on a string tied between the sticks. In modern times, it is used as a children's toy and as a performance tool in circus events like juggling and sometimes in Chinese dance. It is possible to perform a large variety of tricks with the diabolo which can be as easy as throwing the yo-yo up into the air or tossing it around the user's back. It was found during the Ming dynasty; roughly 1386–1644.