Clover (Clamp manga)

Clover (クローバー Kurōbā) is a manga series created by Clamp, a creative team made up by Satsuki Igarashi, Nanase Ohkawa, Tsubaki Nekoi, and Mokona. The manga takes place in a dystopian future, where the government is out to control the "Clovers", a race of children with special powers. Clover was serialized in Kodansha's Amie from 1997 until the magazine's demise in 1999.

Clover (Clamp manga)

Clover (クローバー Kurōbā) is a manga series created by Clamp, a creative team made up by Satsuki Igarashi, Nanase Ohkawa, Tsubaki Nekoi, and Mokona. The manga takes place in a dystopian future, where the government is out to control the "Clovers", a race of children with special powers. Clover was serialized in Kodansha's Amie from 1997 until the magazine's demise in 1999.