Cognitive academic language proficiency

Carolyn Edelsky was an early critic of the BICS/CALP distinction, arguing that academic language is measured inaccurately through a reliance on "test-wiseness." Cummins countered this by noting that academic language proficiency does not rely "on test scores as support for either its construct validity or relevance to education." Instructors of bilingual educational environments, Cummins tells us, should be mindful that a student's apparent ability to interact at a high cognitive level on the 'street' does not necessarily imply the same cognitive or communications ability in the 'class'.

Cognitive academic language proficiency

Carolyn Edelsky was an early critic of the BICS/CALP distinction, arguing that academic language is measured inaccurately through a reliance on "test-wiseness." Cummins countered this by noting that academic language proficiency does not rely "on test scores as support for either its construct validity or relevance to education." Instructors of bilingual educational environments, Cummins tells us, should be mindful that a student's apparent ability to interact at a high cognitive level on the 'street' does not necessarily imply the same cognitive or communications ability in the 'class'.