Colonial Beacon Gas Station

The Colonial Beacon Gas Station is a historic gas station at 474 Main Street in Stoneham, Massachusetts. It was built c. 1922 by the Colonial Oil Company to be a flagship station in their chain of filling stations. The concrete and stucco building was designed by the Boston firm of Coolidge & Carlson. It has two main sections: an octagonal section that once served as a drive-through filling area, and a rectangular service area to its left. Corinthian columns originally supported the octagonal section; these have since been covered over or replaced. The octagonal section is topped by a round dome, at whose apex is a small pillared section that was once topped by a grillwork globe that housed a light. This light, when illuminated, became the beacon which gives the station its name. The servi

Colonial Beacon Gas Station

The Colonial Beacon Gas Station is a historic gas station at 474 Main Street in Stoneham, Massachusetts. It was built c. 1922 by the Colonial Oil Company to be a flagship station in their chain of filling stations. The concrete and stucco building was designed by the Boston firm of Coolidge & Carlson. It has two main sections: an octagonal section that once served as a drive-through filling area, and a rectangular service area to its left. Corinthian columns originally supported the octagonal section; these have since been covered over or replaced. The octagonal section is topped by a round dome, at whose apex is a small pillared section that was once topped by a grillwork globe that housed a light. This light, when illuminated, became the beacon which gives the station its name. The servi