Cow and Chicken

Cow and Chicken is an American animated comedy television series created by David Feiss for Cartoon Network, and the 3rd of the network's Cartoon Cartoons. It follows the surreal adventures of two funny animal siblings, Cow and Chicken. They are often antagonized by the Red Guy, who poses as various characters to scam them. It was nominated for two Emmy Awards. Reruns have aired on Cartoon Network's blocks The Cartoon Cartoon Show and Cartoon Planet, as well as the network's retro animation sister channel Boomerang.

Cow and Chicken

Cow and Chicken is an American animated comedy television series created by David Feiss for Cartoon Network, and the 3rd of the network's Cartoon Cartoons. It follows the surreal adventures of two funny animal siblings, Cow and Chicken. They are often antagonized by the Red Guy, who poses as various characters to scam them. It was nominated for two Emmy Awards. Reruns have aired on Cartoon Network's blocks The Cartoon Cartoon Show and Cartoon Planet, as well as the network's retro animation sister channel Boomerang.