Crime Stories (UK TV series)

Crime Stories is a British television crime drama series that aired on ITV from 12 November until 7 December 2012. Described as "groundbreaking" television, the series was one of a number of series developed by Paul Marquess which makes use of a documentary-style feel and unscripted dialogue. The series was panned by critics and viewers alike and was axed by ITV after just one series. The series made use of the set previously occupied by fellow ITV drama The Bill, for which Marquess served as executive producer from 2002–05.

Crime Stories (UK TV series)

Crime Stories is a British television crime drama series that aired on ITV from 12 November until 7 December 2012. Described as "groundbreaking" television, the series was one of a number of series developed by Paul Marquess which makes use of a documentary-style feel and unscripted dialogue. The series was panned by critics and viewers alike and was axed by ITV after just one series. The series made use of the set previously occupied by fellow ITV drama The Bill, for which Marquess served as executive producer from 2002–05.