Croaking cisticola

The croaking cisticola (Cisticola natalensis) is an Old World warbler in the genus Cisticola. This genus is sometimes split off with various other southern warbler genera and given family status as the Cisticolidae. The croaking cisticola is a resident breeder in Africa south of the Sahara. It is a very small insectivorous bird. This is the largest cisticola. This warbler is grey-brown above, heavily streaked with black. The underparts are whitish, and the tail is broad, pale-tipped and flicked frequently. It has a chestnut wing-panel and a heavy bill.

Croaking cisticola

The croaking cisticola (Cisticola natalensis) is an Old World warbler in the genus Cisticola. This genus is sometimes split off with various other southern warbler genera and given family status as the Cisticolidae. The croaking cisticola is a resident breeder in Africa south of the Sahara. It is a very small insectivorous bird. This is the largest cisticola. This warbler is grey-brown above, heavily streaked with black. The underparts are whitish, and the tail is broad, pale-tipped and flicked frequently. It has a chestnut wing-panel and a heavy bill.