Dar al-Ulum

Dar al-Ulum (Arabic: كلية دار العلوم‎‎, kullīya dār al-ʿulūm), is an educational institution designed to produce students with both an Islamic and modern secondary education. It was founded in 1871 and is now a faculty of Cairo University; it may be called Faculty of Dar al-Ulum. Dar al-ʿUlum was incorporated into Cairo University in 1946 and is now referred to as “The Faculty of Dar al-ʿUlum.” The Faculty is delegated by Cairo University to offer B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in Arabic language and literature & Islamic studies.

Dar al-Ulum

Dar al-Ulum (Arabic: كلية دار العلوم‎‎, kullīya dār al-ʿulūm), is an educational institution designed to produce students with both an Islamic and modern secondary education. It was founded in 1871 and is now a faculty of Cairo University; it may be called Faculty of Dar al-Ulum. Dar al-ʿUlum was incorporated into Cairo University in 1946 and is now referred to as “The Faculty of Dar al-ʿUlum.” The Faculty is delegated by Cairo University to offer B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in Arabic language and literature & Islamic studies.