Darby Steam-Digger

The Darby Steam-Digger, a light traction engine, was invented circa 1879 by farmer Thomas Darby and built at Lodge Farm Pleshey, near Chelmsford in Essex, England. Robert Hasler, seen driving the Digger, helped to build this first prototype. Robert Hasler was born in Pleshey in 1856; he worked as an engineer for Thomas Darby for 26 years, then became the village blacksmith (following his father) until he retired in 1925. At the age of 19 he was badly kicked by a horse, and this necessitated one of his legs being amputated.

Darby Steam-Digger

The Darby Steam-Digger, a light traction engine, was invented circa 1879 by farmer Thomas Darby and built at Lodge Farm Pleshey, near Chelmsford in Essex, England. Robert Hasler, seen driving the Digger, helped to build this first prototype. Robert Hasler was born in Pleshey in 1856; he worked as an engineer for Thomas Darby for 26 years, then became the village blacksmith (following his father) until he retired in 1925. At the age of 19 he was badly kicked by a horse, and this necessitated one of his legs being amputated.