Days of Future Future

"Days of Future Future" is the eighteenth episode of the 25th season of the American animated sitcom The Simpsons, and the 548th episode of the series. The episode was written by J. Stewart Burns and aired on April 13, 2014, on Fox. The episode is a sequel to "Future-Drama" and a continuation of "Holidays of Future Passed", set 30 years from the present. In this futuristic installment, Bart goes to a clinic to rid himself of his feelings for his ex-wife Jenda (who is now dating a xenomorph-like alien named Jerry), Lisa must choose whether or not to cure her zombie husband Milhouse after he gets bitten by a homeless zombie, and Marge (after putting up with years of Homer dying and being cloned back to life by Professor Frink) loads Homer onto a flatscreen monitor and throws him out of the h

Days of Future Future

"Days of Future Future" is the eighteenth episode of the 25th season of the American animated sitcom The Simpsons, and the 548th episode of the series. The episode was written by J. Stewart Burns and aired on April 13, 2014, on Fox. The episode is a sequel to "Future-Drama" and a continuation of "Holidays of Future Passed", set 30 years from the present. In this futuristic installment, Bart goes to a clinic to rid himself of his feelings for his ex-wife Jenda (who is now dating a xenomorph-like alien named Jerry), Lisa must choose whether or not to cure her zombie husband Milhouse after he gets bitten by a homeless zombie, and Marge (after putting up with years of Homer dying and being cloned back to life by Professor Frink) loads Homer onto a flatscreen monitor and throws him out of the h