
Deathscent is a children's novel written by British novelist Robin Jarvis. Set in an alternate Tudor England, it was published in 2001 and is intended to be part of a longer series, entitled "Intrigues of the Reflected Realm," however sequels are yet to appear. During an interview in 2011, Jarvis stated that he wished to continue the series, and had worked out the plot for the second book in the series, however also said that he wasn't sure when work on it may begin.


Deathscent is a children's novel written by British novelist Robin Jarvis. Set in an alternate Tudor England, it was published in 2001 and is intended to be part of a longer series, entitled "Intrigues of the Reflected Realm," however sequels are yet to appear. During an interview in 2011, Jarvis stated that he wished to continue the series, and had worked out the plot for the second book in the series, however also said that he wasn't sure when work on it may begin.