Decent Homes Standard

The Decent Homes Standard is a technical standard for public housing introduced by the United Kingdom government. It underpinned the Decent Homes Programme brought in by the Blair-Brown government (Labour party) which aimed to provide a minimum standard of housing conditions for all those who are housed in the public sector - i.e. council housing and housing associations. Local authorities were required to set out a timetable under which they will assess, modify and, where necessary, replace their housing stock according to the conditions laid out in the standard.

Decent Homes Standard

The Decent Homes Standard is a technical standard for public housing introduced by the United Kingdom government. It underpinned the Decent Homes Programme brought in by the Blair-Brown government (Labour party) which aimed to provide a minimum standard of housing conditions for all those who are housed in the public sector - i.e. council housing and housing associations. Local authorities were required to set out a timetable under which they will assess, modify and, where necessary, replace their housing stock according to the conditions laid out in the standard.