
Deltasaurus is an extinct genus of Carnian temnospondyl amphibian of the Rhytidosteidae family. It is the most common animal fossil of the Blina Shale, a fossil deposit at the eastern end of the Erskine Range in the Kimberley region of Western Australia. A specimen has also been collected from the Knocklofty Sandstone deposit in Tasmania. One species of Deltasaurus, D. kimberleyensis, grew to around 90 centimetres in length. It had four limbs and a tail, and numerous tiny teeth. It is thought to have been a predator of fish.


Deltasaurus is an extinct genus of Carnian temnospondyl amphibian of the Rhytidosteidae family. It is the most common animal fossil of the Blina Shale, a fossil deposit at the eastern end of the Erskine Range in the Kimberley region of Western Australia. A specimen has also been collected from the Knocklofty Sandstone deposit in Tasmania. One species of Deltasaurus, D. kimberleyensis, grew to around 90 centimetres in length. It had four limbs and a tail, and numerous tiny teeth. It is thought to have been a predator of fish.