
Destricted is a 2006/2010 British-American drama film series that explores the line where art and pornography intersect. The UK and US film releases had overlapping but different film lineups. The UK version released in 2006 runs at 112 minutes and includes seven short films: Marina Abramović's Balkan Erotic Epic, Matthew Barney's Hoist, Sync - Marco Brambilla, Larry Clark's Impaled, Gaspar Noé's We Fuck Alone, Richard Prince's House Call, and Sam Taylor-Wood's Death Valley.


Destricted is a 2006/2010 British-American drama film series that explores the line where art and pornography intersect. The UK and US film releases had overlapping but different film lineups. The UK version released in 2006 runs at 112 minutes and includes seven short films: Marina Abramović's Balkan Erotic Epic, Matthew Barney's Hoist, Sync - Marco Brambilla, Larry Clark's Impaled, Gaspar Noé's We Fuck Alone, Richard Prince's House Call, and Sam Taylor-Wood's Death Valley.