Deudorix livia

Deudorix livia, the Pomegranate Playboy, is a butterfly in the Lycaenidae family. It is found in Senegal, Gambia, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Somalia, Djibouti, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Egypt and the eastern Mediterranean, including Greece. The habitat consists of savanna, including arid savanna. It is a somewhat migratory species. The larvae feed on Punica granatum, Eriobotrya japonica, Acacia, Phoenix, Allium, Psidium, Gardenia and Lycopersicum species.

Deudorix livia

Deudorix livia, the Pomegranate Playboy, is a butterfly in the Lycaenidae family. It is found in Senegal, Gambia, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Somalia, Djibouti, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Egypt and the eastern Mediterranean, including Greece. The habitat consists of savanna, including arid savanna. It is a somewhat migratory species. The larvae feed on Punica granatum, Eriobotrya japonica, Acacia, Phoenix, Allium, Psidium, Gardenia and Lycopersicum species.