Deutsche Leasing

Deutsche Leasing AG (DL) is the largest manufacturer-independent leasing company in Germany. Since 1987, the company has had its headquarters in Bad Homburg vor der Höhe and is the centre of excellence for leasing for the Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe (Savings Banks Finance Group). Shares are held by approximately 400 Sparkassen (savings banks), either directly or indirectly through holding companies. Deutsche Leasing is the sole shareholder of Deutsche Anlagen-Leasing in Wiesbaden.

Deutsche Leasing

Deutsche Leasing AG (DL) is the largest manufacturer-independent leasing company in Germany. Since 1987, the company has had its headquarters in Bad Homburg vor der Höhe and is the centre of excellence for leasing for the Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe (Savings Banks Finance Group). Shares are held by approximately 400 Sparkassen (savings banks), either directly or indirectly through holding companies. Deutsche Leasing is the sole shareholder of Deutsche Anlagen-Leasing in Wiesbaden.