Dick Fulmine

The comic character, an Italo-American bully and punch-ready undercover agent of the Chicago police, was created in 1938 by the sports journalist Vincenzo Baggioli as writer and by Carlo Cossio as artist. It was clearly inspired in his traits by the boxer Primo Carnera. However, his protruding and strong-willed jaw was a recognizable reference to the popular and propagandistic physiognomic iconography of Benito Mussolini. After the war, the success start to decline, and the series was interrupted in the second half of the 1940s. In 1955 it was terminated.

Dick Fulmine

The comic character, an Italo-American bully and punch-ready undercover agent of the Chicago police, was created in 1938 by the sports journalist Vincenzo Baggioli as writer and by Carlo Cossio as artist. It was clearly inspired in his traits by the boxer Primo Carnera. However, his protruding and strong-willed jaw was a recognizable reference to the popular and propagandistic physiognomic iconography of Benito Mussolini. After the war, the success start to decline, and the series was interrupted in the second half of the 1940s. In 1955 it was terminated.