Digimon Adventure

Digimon Adventure (デジモンアドベンチャー Dejimon Adobenchā), known in North America as the first season of Digimon: Digital Monsters, is a Japanese anime television series created by Akiyoshi Hongo and produced by Toei Animation in cooperation with WiZ, Bandai and Fuji Television. It is the first anime installment in the Digimon media franchise, based on the virtual pet of the same name. The series aired in Japan between March 7, 1999 and March 26, 2000.

Digimon Adventure

Digimon Adventure (デジモンアドベンチャー Dejimon Adobenchā), known in North America as the first season of Digimon: Digital Monsters, is a Japanese anime television series created by Akiyoshi Hongo and produced by Toei Animation in cooperation with WiZ, Bandai and Fuji Television. It is the first anime installment in the Digimon media franchise, based on the virtual pet of the same name. The series aired in Japan between March 7, 1999 and March 26, 2000.