Direct representation

Direct representation or proxy representation is a proposed form of representative democracy where each representative's vote is weighted in proportion to the number of citizens who have chosen that candidate to represent them. This is in contrast to conventional forms of representative democracy such as the winner-take-all system, where the winner of a plurality of votes in a given district, partyor other grouping of voters goes on to represent all voters in that group, or the proportional representation system where the number of representatives allotted to each party or political faction is in rough proportion to the number of voters supporting each faction.

Direct representation

Direct representation or proxy representation is a proposed form of representative democracy where each representative's vote is weighted in proportion to the number of citizens who have chosen that candidate to represent them. This is in contrast to conventional forms of representative democracy such as the winner-take-all system, where the winner of a plurality of votes in a given district, partyor other grouping of voters goes on to represent all voters in that group, or the proportional representation system where the number of representatives allotted to each party or political faction is in rough proportion to the number of voters supporting each faction.