Disability Rights Commission

The Disability Rights Commission (DRC) was established by the British Labour government in 1999. At that time, the DRC was the UK's third equality commission alongside the Commission for Racial Equality and the Equal Opportunities Commission. Its Chairman from 2000 to 2007 was Bert Massie. The passing of the Equality Act 2006 means that in October 2007 the DRC was replaced by a new Equality and Human Rights Commission with powers across all equality law (race, sex, disability, religion and belief, sexual orientation and age).

Disability Rights Commission

The Disability Rights Commission (DRC) was established by the British Labour government in 1999. At that time, the DRC was the UK's third equality commission alongside the Commission for Racial Equality and the Equal Opportunities Commission. Its Chairman from 2000 to 2007 was Bert Massie. The passing of the Equality Act 2006 means that in October 2007 the DRC was replaced by a new Equality and Human Rights Commission with powers across all equality law (race, sex, disability, religion and belief, sexual orientation and age).